Fares are £0.50 per mile whilst you are in the car. This is not an individual fare, it is a rate set by HMRC for volunteer motoring costs so, if there are two of you travelling, the shared fare is still £0.50 per mile. For the mileage you are in the car, you pay the driver in cash.
Our volunteers are expected to wait for you. However, if they have another person to transport then they will come back for you.
Booking requests are to be made with as much notice as possible, this is due to the service being covered by the car share scheme legislation. Community Cars is not a taxi service and must not be treated as such, nor must it act in such a way as to cause unfair competition to taxi/private hire operators.

How To Support Us
Support is vital to our success. You can support in a number of ways, from volunteering, to sponsorship or just by becoming a member and using our services.
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Contact us today on 01200 444484 for more information on services provided by Little Green Bus.
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